In Conclusion…

The purpose of creating this blog was to collect and share information pertaining to the ghastly low national minimum wage in hopes that readers would feel compelled to stand behind the movement to raise wages. It is clear that the United States is making strides towards raising the federally mandated minimum wage. In the past two years eighteen states and Washington D.C. have increased their minimum wage, though the fight is far from over. As stated in a previous post, when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the minimum wage law he was quoted stating, “By living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level – I mean the wages of decent living.”

Raising the minimum wage is beneficial in a multitude of different ways including; economy recovery, reduction of employment turnover, and economic security for millions of families. People may pose arguments such as inflation risk, detriments to employment, etc. Though, through extensive research, our refutation posts provide reasons why these “arguments” are false. The most common opposing reason to raising minimum wage is that the only people that would benefit are teenagers working part time jobs for extra spending money. This over used argument is quickly disproven when given the facts. The majority, 89% to be exact, of minimum wage workers are 20 years of age or older with 37% being over the age of 40. On average these workers are earning more than half of their family’s income. We cannot continue to stand by and let hard working people, most of whom are attempting to support a family, get paid less than the means for decent living. As President Barack Obama stated in his 2015 State of the Union address, “If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.minimum20wage20graphic20-20no20logo.jpg

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